NIDN : 0005058305
Group Riset Aktif | : |
H30220517-Food Safety and Biotechnology (2017 s/d sekarang ) |
Fakultas/Jurusan | : | Fakultas Pertanian / S-1 Ilmu Dan Teknologi Pangan |
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Author Id Scopus | : | 55079041100 |
Jurnal | : | Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia (JPHPI) |
Published | : | Department of Aquatic Product Technology IPB |
Link | : | |
Author | : |
0630048601 - Siswanti
(Corresponding Author)
AUTH00000038660 - Nadiya Fistianati Aunillah (Co-Author) 0005058305 - Esti Widowati (Co-Author) 0031086105 - Windi Atmaka (Co-Author) AUTH00000038661 - Dyah Widowati (Co-Author) |
Penerbit | : | CV. Penerbit Lakeisha |
Nomor ISBN | : | 9786231192905 |
Penulis Buku | : |
0006038104 - Rohula Utami 0009058401 - Ardhea Mustika Sari 0009118702 - Adhitya Pitara Sanjaya 0021028007 - M. Zukhrufuz Zaman 0007088701 - Asri Nursiwi 0005058305 - Esti Widowati 0015067609 - Edhi Nurhartadi AUTH00000008784 - Triyani Hikmah Astuti AUTH00000008785 - Triyani Hikmah Astuti |
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