NIDN : 0007017701
Group Riset Aktif | : |
E30093415-Hukum Keperdataan dan Pembangunan Ekonomi (2019 s/d sekarang ) P21083932-Sistem Pembelajaran (2020 s/d sekarang ) |
Histori Group Riset | : |
P19084632-Pusat Pengkajian Kebijakan Daerah dan Kelembagaan (PPKDK) (2014 s/d 2020 ) E01204030-Globalisasi dan Perdagangan Internasional (2018 s/d 2019 ) |
Fakultas/Jurusan | : | Fakultas Hukum / S-2 Ilmu Hukum |
: | | |
Author Id Scopus | : | 57198451580 |
Jurnal | : | Jurnal Pembaharuan Hukum |
Published | : | Faculty of Law, Unissula |
Link | : | |
Author | : |
0007017701 - Yudho Taruno Muryanto
(Corresponding Author)
0016038602 - Dona Budi Kharisma (Co-Author) AUTH00000035264 - Imam Dzaki Hidayad Assidiqi (Co-Author) |
Published | : | UNS |
Link | : | |
Nama Seminar | : | Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023) |
Tema Seminar | : | Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023) |
Author | : |
AUTH00000036020 - Ratna Hartanto (Corresponding Author)
0014107903 - Pujiyono Suwadi (Co-Author) 0007017701 - Yudho Taruno Muryanto (Co-Author) |
Penerbit | : | CV. Indotama Solo |
Nomor ISBN | : | 978-623-8386-31-1 |
Penulis Buku | : |
0003117505 - Aniek Hindrayani 0021067011 - Sunny Ummul Firdaus 0007017701 - Yudho Taruno Muryanto 0020028901 - Asri Diah Susanti 0005129101 - Umi Khaerah Pati 0622048901 - Isna Putri Rahmawati |
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