DR. Muhammad Rustamaji S.H., M.H.

NIDN : 0008108201   

H-Index (Scopus) : 2


Group Riset Aktif
Histori Group Riset
Author Id Scopus



Data Capaian Kinerja Dosen Terhitung mulai Tahun 2014
  •   Aktivitas Penelitian 17
  •  Aktivitas P2M 13
  •   Scopus 7
  •   Jurnal Non Scopus 43
  •   Prosiding 55
  •   Buku 10
  •   PATEN 0
  •   HKI 2

Daftar Aktifitas P2M Tahun 2024

Peran Usulan Sebagai Ketua:

Konsep Plea Barganing dalam Pembaharuan KUHAP dan Urgensinya dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana Di Indonesia.
Status Usulan : Diterima
Jenis : Penelitian / Tahun: 2024 / Group Riset : Penegakan Hukum dan Globalisasi.
Skema Penelitian : Penelitian Mandiri

Peran Usulan Sebagai Anggota:

Revitalisasi Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) Jaya Janti Sebagai Upaya Recovery Perekonomian
Status Usulan : Diterima
Jenis : Pengabdian / Tahun: 2024 / Group Riset : Penegakan Hukum dan Globalisasi.

Banyuanyar Innovation Hub: Fostering Economic Resilience through Local Wisdom-Infused Product Development and Digital Ecosystem Excellence
Status Usulan : Diterima
Jenis : Pengabdian / Tahun: 2024 / Group Riset : Manajemen Agribisnis

Pengembangan Kawasan Agroeduwisata Puntukrejo Berbasis Diversifikasi Komoditas Ubi Ungu (ipomea Batatas) Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Dan Sanding Produk Unggulan Desa
Status Usulan : Diterima
Jenis : Pengabdian / Tahun: 2024 / Group Riset : Manajemen Agribisnis
Skema Penelitian : Penerapan Iptek Pengembangan Kewilayahan (PIPK)

Konfigurasi Legal Reasoning Hakim Dalam Memutus Perkara Korupsi Berbasis Nilai Keadilan Pancasila
Status Usulan : Diterima
Jenis : Penelitian / Tahun: 2024 / Group Riset : Politik Kriminal Berbasis Teknologi
Skema Penelitian : Penelitian Disertasi Doktor

1. 2024 : Improving ecological justice orientation through a typological approach to illegal mining in the criminal justice system
Nama Jurnal : Cogent Social ScienceS
Published : Cogent Social ScienceS
Link : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/23311886.2023.2299083?needAccess=true
DoI : https://doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2023.2299083
Author : AUTH00000029134 - Arif Rohman - ( Author ke-1) (Corresponding Author)
0003025703 - Hartiwiningsih - ( Author ke-2) (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji - ( Author ke-3) (Co-Author)

2. 2024 : Comparison of Restorative Justice Implementation in Indonesia, Usa, Germany, Poland and Switzerland
Nama Jurnal : Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
Published : Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
Link : https://rgsa.openaccesspublications.org/rgsa/article/view/4677
DoI : https://doi.org/10.24857/rgsa.v18n1-055
Author : AUTH00000030947 - MATTHEW MARCELLINNO GUNAWAN - ( Author ke-1) (Corresponding Author)
0014107903 - Pujiyono Suwadi - ( Author ke-2) (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji - ( Author ke-3) (Co-Author)

Published : UNISSULA
Link : https://jurnal.unissula.ac.id/index.php/PH/article/view/30488/pdf
Author : 0009026204 - Bambang Santoso (Corresponding Author)
0003025703 - Hartiwiningsih (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

1. 2024 - Dysfunction of the Role of State Law in Crime Resolution in West Manggarai Society
Published : UNS
Link : https://iclaw.uns.ac.id/
Nama Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Tema Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Author : AUTH00000035131 - Syamsuddin (Corresponding Author)
0003025703 - Hartiwiningsih (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

2. 2024 - Strengthening Indonesian Trafficking in Persons Law under Restitutio in Integrum Principles
Published : UNS
Link : https://iclaw.uns.ac.id/
Nama Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Tema Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Author : AUTH00000035132 - Noviana Permanasari (Corresponding Author)
0003025703 - Hartiwiningsih (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

3. 2024 - Understanding Judicial Discretion: A Comparative Study of judge’s legal reasoning in Civil Law and Common Law Jurisdictions
Published : UNS
Link : https://iclaw.uns.ac.id/
Nama Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Tema Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Author : AUTH00000035195 - M. Ilham Tanzilulloh (Corresponding Author)
0003025703 - Hartiwiningsih (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

4. 2024 - The Model of Online Shopping Regulation based on Freedom of Contract and Good Faith Principle
Published : UNS
Link : https://iclaw.uns.ac.id/
Nama Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Tema Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Author : AUTH00000035196 - Isra Harly Wahjudin (Corresponding Author)
0014107903 - Pujiyono Suwadi (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

5. 2024 - Deradicalization of Terrorism Based on a Progressive Legal Approach
Published : UNS
Link : https://iclaw.uns.ac.id/
Nama Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Tema Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Author : AUTH00000035197 - Muchmad Maskyur Alkhuseri (Corresponding Author)
0003025703 - Hartiwiningsih (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

6. 2024 - Legal Reform for The Rights Of Money Laundering Victims through the Ultimum Remedium Concept
Published : UNS
Link : https://iclaw.uns.ac.id/
Nama Seminar : Legal Reform for The Rights Of Money Laundering Victims through the Ultimum Remedium Concept
Tema Seminar : Legal Reform for The Rights Of Money Laundering Victims through the Ultimum Remedium Concept
Author : AUTH00000035198 - Fransisco Tarigan (Corresponding Author)
0003025703 - Hartiwiningsih (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

7. 2024 - Classical Thought and Legal Theory Underlying Progressive Judges to Achieve Justice
Published : UNS
Link : https://iclaw.uns.ac.id/
Nama Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Tema Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Author : AUTH00000035199 - Daniel Anderson Putra Sitepu (Corresponding Author)
0003025703 - Hartiwiningsih (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

8. 2024 - A Model of Prosperity's Intelligent Authority as Law Enforcement Intelligence Based on Justice Principles
Published : UNS
Link : https://iclaw.uns.ac.id/
Nama Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Tema Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Author : AUTH00000035200 - Subagio Gigih Wijaya (Corresponding Author)
0014107903 - Pujiyono Suwadi (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

9. 2024 - Confiscation of Corporations Related to Corruption and Money Laundering in Economic Law
Published : UNS
Link : https://iclaw.uns.ac.id/
Nama Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Tema Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Author : AUTH00000035201 - Anggoro Arif Wicaksono (Corresponding Author)
0003025703 - Hartiwiningsih (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

10. 2024 - Issues in the Framework of Yogyakarta's "Sultan Ground" Land Mafia: A Study of the Functionalization of Corruption
Published : UNS
Link : https://iclaw.uns.ac.id/
Nama Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Tema Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Author : AUTH00000035202 - Ponco Hartanto (Corresponding Author)
0014107903 - Pujiyono Suwadi (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

11. 2024 - Legal Framework for the Development of the Indonesian Economy: Mochtar Kusumaatmadja's Perspective
Published : UNS
Link : https://iclaw.uns.ac.id/
Nama Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Tema Seminar : Proceedings of the International Conference On Law, Economic & Good Governance (IC-LAW 2023)
Author : AUTH00000035203 - M. Zaid (Corresponding Author)
0003025703 - Hartiwiningsih (Co-Author)
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji (Co-Author)

1. 2024 - Green Business ANTAM Berbasis Eco-Innovation
Nomor ISBN : 978-623-8386-50-5
Penulis Buku : 0022098601 - Andina Elok Puri Maharani
0008108201 - Muhammad Rustamaji
0017128402 - Rosita Candrakirana
0630118401 - Tika Andarasni Parwitasari
0628098702 - Ismawati Septiningsih
0003029301 - Dian Esti Pratiwi