NIDN : 0030048101
Group Riset Aktif | : |
H30220604-Food Product Development (2018 s/d sekarang ) P15151744-PUSAT STUDI HALAL RESEARCH CENTER AND SEVICES (HRCS) (2020 s/d sekarang ) |
Histori Group Riset | : |
P06084752-Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pangan, Gizi, dan Kesehatan Masyarakat (P4GKM) (2014 s/d 2020 ) |
Fakultas/Jurusan | : | Fakultas Pertanian / S-1 Ilmu Dan Teknologi Pangan |
: | | |
Author Id Scopus | : | 57194415072 |
Jurnal | : | Fruitset Sains : Jurnal Pertanian Agroteknologi |
Published | : | Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS). |
Link | : | |
Author | : |
0630048601 - Siswanti
(Corresponding Author)
0029047604 - Setyaningrum Ariviani (Co-Author) 0022087608 - Gusti Fauza (Co-Author) 0011028602 - Dimas Rahadian Aji Muhammad (Co-Author) 0030048101 - Dwi Ishartani (Co-Author) 0031086105 - Windi Atmaka (Co-Author) |
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